Mestiço BRUTO – ROUGH (White)


To see beyond the look. From the reflection of the mirror. Underneath the makeup. Turning imperfections into virtues. Touching the earth. Letting it slip through our fingers and cling to our feet. Feeling the morphology with our tongue, the rock with our palate, hearing the wind blow, seeing Côa river flowing below. This wine is nature in its pure state. A rough diamond.

Score: 92 Points
“Revista de Vinhos” April 2024

Mestiço BRUTO is a blend with love by
Ljubomir Stanisic + Mateus Nicolau de Almeida + Teresa Ameztoy

32% Rabigato of Paulo de Tebas
32% Rabigato of Amón de Kélia
31% Rabigato of Antão do Deserto
5% Vinha dos Trinta in veil of flor

REGION: Douro Superior
YEAR: 2020

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