Mestiço CURIOSO – CURIOUS (White)


Curious: what is singular. Interesting. A wine with honey aftertaste. An amateur, passionate, orangish. Who cultivates art and writes outside the margins of any label. Who takes the laurel wreath, because it goes further. Who hugs a “laurel” named Luís. And leaves its mark like a fingerprint. Unique, unrepeatable.

Score: 91 Points
“Revista de Vinhos” April 2024

Mestiço CURIOSO is a blend with love by
Ljubomir Stanisic + Inês Capão + Luis Louro

40% Esgana Cão
40% Arinto
10% Galego Dourado
10% Rabigato

REGION: Estremoz/ Alentejo
YEAR: 2019

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